Metropolitan Transportation Plan

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CAMPO 2045 & Beyond Metropolitan Transportation Plan

Draft MTP Document 04.11.2024  - This draft includes Appendices A, B, C, and D.

Appendix A MTP Planning Requirements - §450.324 CFR (Included in draft document above)

Appendix B Amendments & Modifications 
(Included in draft document above)
Appendix C System Performance Report (Included in draft document above)
Appendix D Surveys and Public Comments (Included in draft document above)

Appendix E Transportation Improvement Program (Draft 2025-2029 TIP)
Appendix F 2024 Capital Area Active Transportation Plan
Appendix G 2020 Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan
Appendix H Travel Demand Model Report
Appendix I 2015 CAMPO Regional Wayfinding Plan

Public Meeting (Open House): 
April 24 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Jefferson City - City Hall,
320 E. McCarty Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101


Press Release:  Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) Kicks Off Development of CAMPO 2045 & Beyond Metropolitan Transportation Plan.

The update of the CAMPO 2045 & Beyond Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) has begun.
The MTP is a federally required long-range plan, updated every 5 years, that assesses regional transportation needs over a twenty-year planning horizon.  The MTP sets goals and defines policies, programs, strategies, and projects to meet the transportation needs of the CAMPO region.  horizon.  Last updated in 2019, the plan considers several local and regional topics including transportation system development, land use, employment, economic development, human and natural environment, and housing and community development.  The planning process is expected to be completed by Summer 2024.

The MTP is central to the MPO planning process and defines policies, programs, projects to meet regional needs for all transportation modes, including:

  • Surface Transportation (roads and bridges)
  • Pedestrian and Non-Motorized
  • Transit
  • Air
  • Waterways & Ports
  • Freight
  • Rail

The planning process will consider and incorporate several local and regional topics including transportation system development, land use, employment, economic development, human and natural environment, and housing and community development.

Per federal regulation, the MTP addresses the following ten planning factors:

  1. Economic Vitality
  2. Safety
  3. Security
  4. Accessibility and Mobility
  5. Environmental Protection and Quality of Life
  6. System Integration and Connectivity
  7. System Management and Operation
  8. System Preservation
  9. Resiliency and Reliability
  10. Travel and Tourism

The current plan , adopted in 2019, utilized an in-depth Scenario Planning process that analyzed how transportation, land use, resources, demographics, and other factors may affect connectivity, mobility, and resiliency throughout the region.  A preferred scenario was chosen and then used in the development of a Travel Demand Model (TDM).  The TDM took the preferred land use scenario and analyzed the impacts of development on the transportation system, highlighting points of congestion, capacity, and increased demands on the road network. CAMPO staff then worked with the general public and stakeholders to develop a list of illustrative projects, combining public comments and the TDM outputs.

The 2023-2024 planning process will use the preferred scenario and TDM from the 2019 planning process.  This data, along with outreach to member jurisdictions, stakeholders, and the general public will be used in the 2023-2024 update of the MTP.  The planning process will conclude in Summer 2024. 

Public Meeting: 
April 24 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Jefferson City - City Hall,
320 E. McCarty Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101

Public Survey
A public survey was disseminated in December 2023 - Survey Results  

While the survey is aimed at those that live or work in the CAMPO region, comments from people outside of the region can be sent to

CAMPO 2045 & Beyond Metropolitan Transportation Plan (Adopted May 2019)
Full plan (including only Appendices A, B, C) - 140 pages

Plan Sections 
Cover, Table of Contents, and Executive Summary
Section 1:  Introduction & Federal Compliance
Section 2:  Planning Factors
Section 3:  Visioning & Plan Development
Section 4:  Regional Overview
Section 5:  The Transportation System
Section 6:  The Financial Plan & Implementation        includes Illustrative Projects Lists


Appendix A MTP Planning Requirements - §450.324 CFR
Appendix B Amendments & Modifications
Appendix C System Performance Report
Appendix D Surveys and Public Comments
Appendix E Transportation Improvement Program
Appendix F 2024 Capital Area Active Transportation Plan
Appendix G 2020 Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan
Appendix H Travel Demand Model Report
Appendix I 2015 CAMPO Regional Wayfinding Plan
Appendix J Major Thoroughfare Plan